1. Read and translate the text in writing.
Tomorrow is the great day for Peter. For the first time in his life he’ll take part in the general elections of this country. According to the constitution of Russia all organs of state power are elected by the entire adult population on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. The right to elect and be elected to the bodies of state power and local authorities, and also to take part in the referendum is guaranteed by the Constitution of Russian Federation. Pete will vote for some candidate tomorrow, but he himself can’t be elected yet, because he’s only 18. Under the law every citizen of this country at the age of 21 can be elected to the Parliament. The candidate whom Pete will vote for was nominated by the university. Pete knows that periodically the deputies will inform their electors about their activity during the meetings with them sad also with the help of mass media.
Jane Snow will also take part in the elections of the President next year. But her vote isn’t a direct one. In November voters in each state give their votes for candidates. By practice the electors must vote for the candidate who gets majority of votes in their state even if his majority is very small. Before voting in November every citizen must register in accordance with the laws of his state This gives him the right of participating in «primaries». The US constitution guarantees every citizen the right to vote but the states with the help of numerous qualifications deprive a lot of people of this right And those who do vote can only make their choice practically between two sets of candidates - Democrats and Republicans whose political platforms are practically alike.
2. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
1. Наступного року я візьму участь у виборах.
2. Через два роки ми станемо юристами.
3. Не приходь до мене о шостій. Мене не буде вдома.
4. Президент не буде завтра виступати з промовою перед виборцями.
5. Більшість громадян буде голосувати за цього кандидата.
6. Ви будете висувати свого кандидата на виборах? - Hi, не будемо.
7. Коли ти будеш зустрічатися з виборцями?
8. Тільки повнолітні беруть участь у виборах.
3. Find Gerund (-ing - forms) in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.
1. I don’t like doing such things.
2. He’s doing very well at school.
3. Let me finish reading that book.
4. I think of coming to your place tomorrow.
5. He’s against making a speech at the meetings.
6. Testing nuclear weapons is a crime against humanity.
7. The hearing is over.
8. In American courts you can often hear the prosecutor accusing poor people.
9. The defence counsel is using a lot of documents for defending his client.
10. Making his speech the prosecutor says, “Mr. Black couldn’t commit this crime without spending much money”.
4. Write about what you like & dislike.